Do you know Alive Band, Christine Patty or Geger Prayoga on ReverbNation?

Hey sur4hm4d, connect with these local musicians:

Alive Band, Bekasi, ID
Other for Alive Band
Christine Patty, Jakarta, ID
Vocals for ChristPatty
Geger Prayoga, Jakarta, ID
Guitar for Simple

Don't know any of these people? Find more local musicians on ReverbNation.

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Do you know deddy kerangkenk, Rizky DC or Kris Gazelle on ReverbNation?

Hey sur4hm4d, connect with these local musicians:

deddy kerangkenk, Jakarta, ID
Rizky DC, Jakarta, ID
Interested in Jamming, Joining a Project, Playing Shows, Songwriting, Starting a Project, Studio Recording
Influenced by Navicula, Besok Bubar, Nirvana, Seringai, Mastodon
Kris Gazelle, Jakarta, ID

Don't know any of these people? Find more local musicians on ReverbNation.

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