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Do you know Arief Ichwan Noviandi, Fachriansyah or EDOY on ReverbNation?

Reminder: $19.99 - Exclusive Limited Time Offer for Bitdefender 2017!

Your Bitdefender protection has EXPIRED!
You are at risk! RENEW NOW!
We’ve noticed you haven’t purchased a new Bitdefender subscription since your old one expired.
We care about your security, and we think you deserve the best protection available today, at an unbelievable price.
Get back on board and rediscover our award-winning security solution. Today, Bitdefender is better than ever, it offers unbeatable malware detection and will protect your devices against all threats, including ransomware. All without slowdowns or battery drain.
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Any product: $19.99!
Your thing is to enjoy life and your devices, and ours is to secure them so you never have to
worry. Keep doing what you love. We've got the rest covered.
Do your thing, protected

The Bitdefender Team
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You are receiving this email because you either have a Bitdefender trial version or you have not renewed your subscription for the product you initially purchased. If you've already renewed or purchased a full version of Bitdefender, please disregard this message. If you no longer wish to receive email communications, please click on the unsubscribe link below.
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Sent by: Bitdefender, Bucharest, Sector 2, Delea Veche 24 Street
Delea Veche 24 Office Building, Romania, Phone: +40 21 2063470
Copyright © Bitdefender

$19.99 - Exclusive Limited Time Offer for Bitdefender 2017!

Your Bitdefender protection has EXPIRED!
You are at risk! RENEW NOW!
We’ve noticed you haven’t purchased a new Bitdefender subscription since your old one expired.
We care about your security, and we think you deserve the best protection available today, at an unbelievable price.
Get back on board and rediscover our award-winning security solution. Today, Bitdefender is better than ever, it offers unbeatable malware detection and will protect your devices against all threats, including ransomware. All without slowdowns or battery drain.
Buy Bitdefender today and enjoy the freedom to do your thing, knowing you are always protected.
Safely yours,
Bitdefender Antivirus
Plus 2017

3 Devices / 1 Year
Bitdefender Total
Security 2017

5 Devices / 1 Year
Bitdefender Internet
Security 2017

3 Devices / 1 Year
Any product: $19.99!
Your thing is to enjoy life and your devices, and ours is to secure them so you never have to
worry. Keep doing what you love. We've got the rest covered.
Do your thing, protected

The Bitdefender Team
Please do not reply to this email. This message was sent from a notification-only address that is not monitored for answering purposes. Instead, please use the following link in order to contact our Bitdefender Customer Care representatives:
You are receiving this email because you either have a Bitdefender trial version or you have not renewed your subscription for the product you initially purchased. If you've already renewed or purchased a full version of Bitdefender, please disregard this message. If you no longer wish to receive email communications, please click on the unsubscribe link below.
One-Click Unsubscribe | Privacy Policy
Sent by: Bitdefender, Bucharest, Sector 2, Delea Veche 24 Street
Delea Veche 24 Office Building, Romania, Phone: +40 21 2063470
Copyright © Bitdefender

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